Our Programs

Piano Lessons
For All Level



Friendly, introductory lessons designed to help any new student truly enjoy piano. Available for anyone who has the courage to take the first steps in learning piano.



Made for students with more experience, while keeping the same passionate interest about the intrsument. Perfect for learning your favourite pieces!

Relaxed & Friendly

Our Programs Are Tailored To Suit You

Lessons are taught by Kiril Varakin, an experienced player who has participated in concerts, competitions, and more. To further find out, visit about. The tutoring sessions are centered around classical piano, with optional preparation for Royal Conservatory of Music examinations (which are recommended). All necessary materials can be bought online, or borrowed through the instructor.

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It is never too early to start learning piano. As a person who started learning when they were 8, I can assure any parent that signing their child up for piano lessons will develop their sense of rhythm, mathematics, mannerisms, and diligence better than anything else. Similarly, as an adult, you too can develop this wonderful talent which blooms into something more than just playing 88 keys on a keyboard. For all beginners, lessons are designed to have a friendly and fun approach which introduces piano to the student in such a way that makes them enjoy the instrument. Below are some of the categories which are covered.


Intermediate lessons, just like beginner lessons, are skillfully and proudly managed by an instructor with over 9 years of experience with Royal Conservatory exams, concerts, and competitions. If you have what it takes to indulge yourself in a deeper understanding of piano, this is the right place for you. Intermediate lessons develop a stronger taste in playing, tone, and technique. All lessons which are present at the beginner level are covered, with the addition of slightly increased difficulty. The catch? There is no catch. These lessons are still fun, interactive, and always a pleasure to participate in. Explore some of the categories which are covered!

Ready to pursue
your dream

Signing up is the first step to finding a new passion!